We love working for challenging organisations – whether that’s because of scale, or regulation, or complex structure and governance. That’s what keeps it interesting. We’re proud to have developed long-term partnerships with clients in some of the world’s best-known organisations.

Case Studies

IC discovery for world-class university
This world-class educational institution is in the early stages of an ambitious programme of digital transformation.

Aware that their communications channels (websites, intranets, email marketing and CRM) are both targets of transformation and enablers of broader transformation, they needed to develop an accelerated roadmap for communications transformation, and gain buy-in for this across a complex organisation, in order to unlock funding. We were tasked with running a discovery programme to both understand user and business needs for communications channels, and barriers to future delivery. We were asked to build a detailed business case and delivery plan that would enable change to be scaled across the collegiate university (which has extremely complex governance).

  • Over six weeks we conducted user research, identified and assessed tens of competing systems, mapped the architecture and interviewed key stakeholders to understand needs for and barriers to change.
  • Our detailed report set out a two year roadmap for delivery of new platforms, appropriate to the University’s needs, scale and complex structure, together with a robust, fully-costed business case for investment in technology and consultancy.
  • Additionally, we ran workshops with internal teams to co-create a short term action plan, to ensure the foundations for an ambitious pace of change are in place and stakeholders bought in to the roadmap.
  • The discovery and business case building work was successful in its multi-million bid for funding. We have since been engaged by the University again as a long-term partner supporting business change in the next phase of the programme
Review of data use in email comms
Review of data use in email comms

This global energy giant had made significant investment in internal platforms but were concerned these weren’t delivering expected results among affiliated retailers.

We were asked to run a root-and-branch review of the tools and associated practices.

  • We reviewed platform analytics, surveyed users and conducted focused interviews with key stakeholders to understand why the platforms were failing to deliver the expected impact.
  • We began by understanding their needs, conducting interviews with communicators in 10 markets and mapping their processes. This identified capability and training gaps among platform users.
  • We then took a deep dive into their email platform, to understand what data was available and how this could better be used for content creation and audience targeting.
  • We identified 26 tactical recommendations to gain greater value from their previous investment in tools, through improved training and greater use of data insights for targeting, measurement and continuous improvement.
  • We then developed a change roadmap they could follow to deliver the change over six months, including stakeholder engagement, training requirements and process changes.
  • Our work lead to the establishment of new routines, enhanced use of platform and more impactful communications.
Strategic support for global bank's digital workplace delivery
Strategic support for global bank's digital workplace delivery

This banking giant wanted to replace its old static intranet with a holistic digital workplace, acting as a communications hub and a route to access tens of transactional and line of business tools.

We were tasked with supporting the internal team to deliver both the technology and associated business change.

  • We began by understanding existing pain points for key user groups – in particular communicators. Acting as bridge between the internal team and both IT and a third-party supplier, we ensured platform configuration met user expectations, resolving these pain points as a priority.
  • We developed a KPI framework for all stages of the programme and its launch campaign, so programme sponsors could report positive progress and retain key stakeholder support.
  • Upskilling and building support for change among the 400-strong team of communicators were essential in embedding long-term use of the platform. We developed a series of training personas, identifying the learning needs for different groups. We then developed and delivered both instructor-led live training sessions and a suite of supporting assets.
  • Throughout the programme, we supported the internal teams to build and maintain stakeholder support for change, with briefing packs and coaching. We worked with them to establish a network of change champions across the business, to drive awareness and build excitement about the change.
  • The new platform (named Workplace) has been successfully rolled out in 90 markets, with usage exceeding targets and to positive feedback from users and leadership. We have since been engaged by the team for an additional phase of work to bring regulated staff onto the platform.