The Lithos team is made up of professional communicators with deep expertise in technology gained working with the world’s most challenging organisations.

We specialise in:

When you don’t know what you don’t know, Lithos Partners can help.
Our team will complete a discovery project inside your organisation and conduct the groundwork research that you don’t have the time for.

Digital Workplace

We advise on how to use the digital channels you have to drive engagement and action, and how to measure and evidence impact.

Digital communication

We have in-depth experience delivering consumer-grade digital experiences for employee audiences. With our DWXS product, we’ve built the world’s leading source of employee insights on digital experience.

Digital employee experience

Any platform is only as good as the content on it. We work with organisations to develop their content strategy and governance, and to build their own content teams. Our team of content specialists can work with you to develop clear, user-focused content that drives engagement and action – all at pace and at scale.


We’re recognised experts in delivering tech programmes alongside cultural and behavioural change, so investment in tech delivers business value. We support clients with embedded delivery and programme management support, so that programmes are delivered on time, on budget and to the standards you expect.

Change and adoption